“What we believe, endorse, agree with, and depend on is representable and, increasingly, represented on the Web. We all have to ensure that the society we build with the Web is the sort we intend.”
~ Tim Berners-Lee
Online Services
Online Services are offered through World Café partner weDialogue.
Bring the power and efficacy of World Café interaction to your dispersed networks and international audiences without the expense and environmental costs of a face-to-face event. Experience the ease and convenience of online World Cafes, as we make technology work for you via the following services:
Event Production and Online Hosting/Facilitation
We work with you from start to finish to determine the best format for your online event and tailor the design that best reflects your specific circumstances and desired outcomes.
If you’re wondering what online interactive conversations can do for you, or would like help designing or managing the technology or online capacities of your event.
We share the secrets of skillful online hosting, assist you in setting up your technology and train your team to use it.
Virtual Graphic Recording
Don’t miss out on the benefits of World Café graphic recording in your online event. Enjoy results delivered digitally or viewed “real-time” through streaming video.
Technical Support
Be confident in organizing and hosting your own online events without worrying about the technology.
Contact us to set up your event now, or see the weDialogue website for more details on services, applications and benefits.
IN ADDITION: Online Learning Programs
weDialogue offers online courses covering the basics of online hosting and tech stewarding; most recently World Cafe Online for people who already have a hosting practice in World Cafe or other participatory process and would like to apply their experience to work within an online environment. Contact weDialogue to be put on their mailing list for current schedule and updates.