Elizabet Sahtouris Workshop

The Weekend of September 21-23, 2007 Elizabet Sahtouris, one of the most interesting and well-informed people you will ever meet, is going to be at Esalen in Big Sur California, giving a workshop entitled Cool Solutions for a Hot Age. Make your reservation...

Your opinion sought

Rank your choices for energy efficiency at a site provided by Senator Barbara Boxer. "Last Tuesday, my first major act as the new Chair of the Senate’s Environment and Public Works Committee was to hold a hearing on global warming.  More than one-third...

11th Hour – New Film

The 11th Hour, a Leonardo DiCaprio film to be released in August, is not a portrait of a planet in crisis as much as an offering of hope and solutions. The film includes insights from over fifty of the world’s most prominent thinkers and activists, including...

Sustainable Cities

See a wonderful animated map of the city and learn about the city-wide greening project for Sustainable  Albuquerque — a place where the well-being of current and future citizens is supported by a vibrant economy and a self-renewing, healthy environment – a...

Sign the Pledge

Live Earth is a 24-hour, 7-continent concert series taking place on 7/7/07 that will bring together more than 100 music artists and 2 billion people to trigger a global movement to solve the climate crisis. Live Earth marks the beginning of a multi-year campaign led...