More blogging!

Holger Nauheimer, who was here on the first day sent us the link of two postings of him. The first one is on this initiative as a whole, the next one is about the dialogue he participated in on Leadership and Change. It is really worthwhile reading, because he gives a...

Links to other blogs

We just found out that other people are also blogging about this event. Carl Auer Verlag, the publisher who translated the book on World Café have just started a blog too and they wrote already a lot! For English readers, it is in German!

The Choreography of Communication

Hellerau, the Garden City, next to Dresden was started around the turn of the previous century (I mean: more than a hundred years ago) with people who wanted to live and work in a different way. It was a kind of alternative movement and they did a lot of work to...

Almost in Dresden…

Here I sit on a bench in the sun, outside Berlin Spandau train station. A ‘Rathaus’ with a tower is in front of me. My night train from Belgium to Berlin was delayed, so I missed my connection and have to wait. But the sun is here, beautiful: not too hot, just perfect...