The Role of Inquiry in World Café Conversations

Musings from Frances Baldwin, March 2021Key notion: “inquiry is action.” Sometimes the need to move to some type of decision, implication or application eclipses the possibility for depth, breadth, and fresh meaning. Given time and space, more informed and useful...
Musings on World Cafe &  Integrity

Musings on World Cafe & Integrity

Collaboratively written by Michaela Sieh and Amy Lenzo In the dynamic, ever-changing movement of these times, when the world seems to speed up even as so much of what we have known is unravelling, it can be hard to discern what a sober, balanced perspective of what’s...
Guidelines for Conversations that Matter

Guidelines for Conversations that Matter

Tom Swigart, who has been a volunteer member of the Community Cafe hosting team for a year now, wrote this prompt for himself when introducing the World Cafe Etiquette and Netiquette. We thought we’d share it here – as an inspiration for your own hosting...


David Isaacs, co-founder of the World Cafe, reads a letter, written by Chris Ahrends about his experiences during the “Ubuntu Cafe”. “… held in the gentle embrace of intentional community and enlivened by energy of uniqueness – for me,...

Community Cafes at World Cafe

Following up on the three Community Cafes we hosted with World Cafe community members around the globe in September – Each of the three Cafes was a rich experience – small, intimate groups in heart-full conversation – and we learned a lot together....