An invitation to read

following the warm invitation from Amy to do so, i would like to invite you to visit my personal blog at: and please have a look at my new “entry-portal” at 🙂 I am in the fortunate position to have witnessed...

“Groups” in TWC Online Community

One of the most wonderful opportunities in the new World Cafe online community space is the capacity we have to gather together in Groups and explore the precise elements of the World Cafe that we’re passionate about and/or connect with others in your geographic...

Conversation and Community

David Isaacs sent me this quote from Peter Block: My belief is that the way we create conversations that overcome the fragmented nature of our communities is what creates an alternative future. This can be a difficult stance to take for we have a deeply held belief...

An Invitation to Stewardship

In the process of our ongoing exploration of the unique contribution of the World Café and the World Café Community Foundation during these times of challenge and transformation, several things are becoming clearer to us. Perhaps most importantly, we've reaffirmed...