Wiser Together Impact Café

Bioneers San Rafael, CA, United States

How can we work inter-generationally to usher in "The Great Turning" towards a life sustaining society? Come join conversations about how we can collaborate across the cycle of life to shape our shared future. With Joanna Macy.

World Café Masterclass

Venue To Be Announced Tokyo, Japan

Join us as we celebrate the impact of World Café in Japan and deepen our individual and collective capacity to convene and host the conversations that will shape and impact our future/s.

Brisbane Impact Café

Jeays Street Neighbourhood Centre 12 Jeays Street, Bowen Hills, Australia

A warm invitation to explore the question: What time is it for my community?

The Power of the World Café

Venue To Be Announced Tokyo, Japan

Juanita Brown will be coming in via Satellite to join Amy Lenzo in co-hosting the morning session for this Impact Café with professional facilitators throughout Japan. Kazuaki Katori and Amy Lenzo will host the afternoon session.