The Power of the World Café

Venue To Be Announced Tokyo, Japan

Juanita Brown will be coming in via Satellite to join Amy Lenzo in co-hosting the morning session for this Impact Café with professional facilitators throughout Japan. Kazuaki Katori and Amy Lenzo will host the afternoon session.

Asia Impact Café


From Mumbai, Korea, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia - we will have people joining us from all over Asia for this cutting-edge online Impact Cafe.

Impact Café Brussels

What if the magical web of connections helps us to build resilient communities, together - in our organisations and in the larger field?

World Café at the European Commission

European Commission Rue Philippe Le Bon 3, room 1.4. (1st floor), Brussels, Belgium

To help celebrate the World Café's 20th Anniversary, members of the European Commission will host a special Impact Café on Nov 6.

December Community Cafe

Join us for our monthly Community Cafe to experience World Cafe and meet new friends and colleagues from around the world.

$10 – $30