Given our exponential growth and other changes over the last year or two, the World Café Community
Foundation has been focused on creating a healthy “resourcing eco-system” to financially sustain its work of supporting the global World Café as we continue to grow and evolve.
In the World Café tradition of evolving through friendship, our need for support in this area was met by two wonderful friends of the World Café who have stepped forward to help: Erica Peng and Nicole-Anne (“Nicole”) Boyer.
These two young women bring the joy and energy of inter-generational collaboration to the WCCF resourcing team, along with inspired new ideas and the wisdom of their extensive experience in a variety of key areas.
Erica met Tom and Juanita at the Shambhala Leadership Institute this past June, and right away they knew she would bring a great contribution to this work. Erica’s gifts to us are already apparent though her passion
for deepening human connection and conversation, her talents in using the power of film to tell compelling stories, her can-do attitude and willingness to pitch in and lend a hand to what is most needed.
Nicole came to us through long-time World Café friend Napier Collyns, co-founder of GBN Global Business Network. As a GBN alumnae, Nicole is a foresight specialist and facilitator with a mission to catalyze “better futures” through dialogue. Nine years ago she fell in love with the World Café and has been using it ever since. After relocating to San Francisco from Paris, France, she felt it was time to give back to this community what she has gained in her practice. Nicole has a deep understanding of this kind of systemic and strategic undertaking and her experience is particularly appreciated as we approach foundations and individual donors with invitations to become resourcing partners.
Over the next few months the World Café Community Foundation resourcing team will be inviting you too to participate, and we’ll be sharing what’s happening in the resourcing process as it evolves. Current plans include an enhanced website, a series of short videos and other web 2.0 invitations for the general
public, as well as addressing Foundations, key individuals and the World Café network as a whole.
We will be exploring ways to engage your thinking and participation in this important project and
your ideas are very welcome. If you have initial thoughts to share, please contact Tom Hurley or Amy Lenzo.
Stay tuned for more!