This is one of two sample invitations. This one was developed by Dr. Emmett Miller for an event that included a World Café and follow-up activities to move to action:
You are cordially invited to…..

at the
If you watched An Inconvenient Truth
and felt the need to do something…
If you take pride in standing up for your beliefs…
If you want to be part of a community effort
that can really make a difference…
Then take part in the Global Cooling Café
because we have a lot to talk about.
We all now know that scientists overwhelmingly agree that human activity is dangerously warming the earth.
We also know that global warming is a dangerous reality, one that will increasingly touch our lives, those of our children and grandchildren, and many of the poorest people on our planet.
Serious consequences can already be seen in the form of floods, heat waves, more violent storms and the rise of sea levels.
But do you know that the typical U.S. household generates 55,000 pounds of CO2 annually… compared to only 27,000 pounds in Germany and a mere 15,000 pounds in Sweden?
There are
many ways that we can lower our “carbon footprint.” And guess what… it’s easier when we all do it together. Come find out how!
We invite you to join us for an exciting World Café. It’s a powerful, new social change technique that enables us to experience the power of community. You’ll interact with a broad cross-section of friends and neighbors in frank and open conversation that will help us reflect deeply on what global
warming means to each of us, individually and as a community.
We’ll exchange views, feelings and ideas. After the Café portion we will learn about a program, Low Carbon Diet, to help us lower our carbon footprint and transfer this knowledge to our communities and workplaces. Are you up for it? Then make this a priority… because when you know the facts, you know there’s
nothing more important.
WHEN: (date and time)
WHERE: (place and directions to it)
Please RSVP by (date)
If you want more information on Global Climate Change Cafés, see:
For more about David Gershon’s book and seminar design:
Event Sponsors: