“Because questions are intrinsically related to action, they spark and direct attention, perception, energy and effort, and so are at the heart of the evolving forms that our lives assume … Creativity requires asking genuine questions, those to which an answer is not already known. Questions function as open-handed invitations to creativity, calling forth that which doesn’t yet exist.”
~ Marilee Adams
Ongoing Research
Book Project – World Cafe as Inquiry: Method and Impact (working title)
Submitted by Niels Agger-Gupta, British Columbia, Canada
Academic Partners: Fielding Graduate University & Royal Roads University
Generation of Peace Dialogues: How the World Café Approach to Community Understanding Led to Cultures of Peace
Submitted by Flavio Mesquita da Silva, Ceará, Brazil.
Academic Partner: Fielding Graduate University
ICIF International Centre for Infrastructure Futures
Submitted by Tom Dolan, UK.
Academic Partner: ICIF, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, the Economic and Social Research Council, University College London, Cranfield University and the universities of Bristol, Brighton, Sussex and Southampton.
Moving Forward from the Ottawa Charter: A Chester Perspective
Submitted by Dr Rebecca Mead, UK.
Academic Partner: University of Chester
Supporting Pregnant and Parenting Teens: Engaging the Community through the World Café Method
Submitted by Julie Linton, Winston-Salem, NC
Academic Partner: Wake Forest School of Medicine
World Café As Action Research Method
Submitted by Niels Agger-Gupta, British Columbia, Canada
Academic Partners: Royal Roads University & Fielding Graduate University