“The forestructures or guiding images of the future are not the property of an individual but cohere within patterns of relatedness in the form of dialogue… Through dialogue, new knowledge and new images of possibility are constantly being made available.”
~ David Cooperrider and Suresh Srivastva
World Café Hosting Fundamentals
5seA World Café Signature Learning Program
offered in collaboration with Fielding Graduate University
8 Weeks:
September 1st – October 27th, 2024
The World Café Hosting Fundamentals course is delivered online, using state-of-the-art interactive distance-learning technologies.
A Certificate of Completion will be provided to all successful graduates of the program.
This renowned course, offered only once a year, uses the structure of a World Café, featuring written coursework in rotating small group forums as well as valuable “real-time” online opening and closing sessions, weekly study groups, and participation in a full-length public online World Cafe as part of the curriculum.
Providing a fundamental understanding of The World Café theory and method, the course applies World Café design principles to bring forth the creative power of conversation and engage questions that matter. Participants will gain a fundamental understanding of World Café hosting practices and design principles, and the capacity to apply them in their lives and work.
The course is very interactive (requiring approx. 3-5 hours a week) and students will be expected to participate fully.
This rigorous, highly interactive online course is designed for serious practitioners who are looking for a solid understanding of the World Café method and philosophy and want to work with peers, guided by senior practitioners, to learn how to host powerful and effective engagements using World Café.
- Become familiar with the theory and philosophical foundations of World Café
- Understand and apply the seven design principles and fundamental assumptions of the World Café
- Learn to generate powerful Questions that Matter
- Develop the skills and capacity to design, convene and host World Café conversations
- Understand and experience the processes, principles, and “ways of being” that can call forth collective intelligence
- Explore how the World Café can be applied in creative ways across different sectors, cultures, demographics, and contexts
The following required reading materials will be provided in e-format. Students should plan to read this material before the course starts (summaries of the weekly reading will also be provided, along with supplemental articles and other resources).
- The World Café: Shaping Our Futures Through Conversations That Matter, by Juanita Brown, David Isaacs, and the World Café Community, Berrett Koehler, 1995
- The World Cafe: Living Knowledge Through Conversations That Matter, Fielding Doctoral Dissertation by Juanita Brown
- The Art of Powerful Questions, by Juanita Brown, Eric E. Vogt, and David Isaacs
Regular Tuition Fees – $850
Early Bird Rate (20% off through Aug 11th). See below for other discounts.
(There will be a $50 administrative late fee charged for registrations after the closing date)
GROUP RATE (3 or more participants registering together) – 30% off
Contact us with names and email addresses of your group to receive the group discount code.
(The above group rate also applies to Community Table Members – see the Community Table calendar listing for discount code)
Your course fee includes a $50 non-refundable fee for your reading materials, which will be sent in e-format upon registration.
(Please Note: this material cannot be printed and must be read on a computer or e-reader)
Amy Lenzo – Amy is a senior World Cafe host having hosted World Cafés – online and onsite – since 2005. As Director of World Cafe Signature Learning Programs, she hosts this course along with occasional invited “special guests” – key World Café practitioners around the world.
Amy is a member of the World Cafe Stewardship Council and known for her pioneering work in bringing the World Café process and principles into online learning and engagement.
10 Tips for Maximizing Your Experience
in Hosting World Cafe: The Fundamentals
Contact us with any questions – we look forward to seeing you there!