Bioneers August Community Conversation
Each month, World Cafe hosts Amy Lenzo and David Shaw offer a Community Conversation for the world-renowned Bioneers community. Each conversation is stimulated by a brief ‘keynote’ or ‘conversation starter’ from a thought leader/luminary, guided by a skilled team,...
Unlikely Encounters ~ December Community Cafe
Unlikely Encounters Give yourself the gift of 2.5 hours in community ~ sharing stories of unlikely encounters. And: this Community Cafe creates a space for us to BE in a field of surprise encounters. Some of the “ingredients of the secret sauce” for this gathering:...
Slow Hosting: November Community World Cafe
Slow Hosting The Art of Slowing Down in a Fast-Paced World Give yourself the gift of 2.5 hours in community ~ being in inquiry together around the topic of slowing down in a fast-paced world. What does it take to step into the field of “Slow Hosting”? What are we...
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