“I am cognizant of the interrelatedness of all communities… We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly.”

~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

Impact Café – Registration

Thank you for deciding to participate in the World Cafe 20th Anniversary Celebrations by hosting an Impact Café in your area during the month of October, 2015. We’re happy to support you in all the ways we can (see below), and look forward to hearing more about your plans.

Our intent is that you will use this 20th Anniversary as inspiration to bring your community together and have the meaningful conversations that are needed to ignite action and impact positive change in your region.

Keep it Simple to make it happen!

There are likely many issues in your community that are calling for attention. With support of our global network, extend an invitation to your community to engage in a simple and meaningful Café experience. Where are people ready to act, but lacking the collective confidence to take next steps? What are the conversations that are now ready to be engaged?

Whether it’s around issues of food security, inter-generational relationships, police and military accountability, education, refugees and border issues, race relations or whatever is “hot” where you live – host an Impact Café that aims to effect positive change in your region.

The Process

Determine the details of your Impact Café. Once you fill in the form below, we’ll upload it to a Impact Café Listings page where others can see your event and join in (if it is open to the public). We will promote your Impact Café in a number of other ways as well.

We encourage you to harvest your Impact Café with photographs, video, graphic recording, etc.  We’ll send you a link to a private page where – after your Impact Café is over – you can upload your harvest and share the story of what happened. These stories and harvests will be featured on the World Café website, and used as part of a Global Harvest document.


Upon registering your Impact Café, you will receive an invitation to join other Impact Café hosts around the world in a special place on the World Café online community site to share strategies and learn from each other (there will also be examples of invitations, help in formulating your questions, press kits for media coverage, etc.). For new World Café hosts, we recommend the free Hosting Tool Kit, which includes the newly revised Café To Go guide for hosting World Café.


In submitting this form, I agree to:

  • Offer my Impact Café during the month of October, 2015
  • Present my Impact Café within the context of “Celebrating 20 Years of World Café Impact” (with a link to the World Café website)
  • Share the harvest from my Impact Café with The World Café Community Foundation, including the questions we use
  • Whenever possible, offer my Impact Café free of charge, “at-cost” only, or as a fundraiser for The World Café Community Foundation (if your Impact Café is private and/or part of a paid conference or other event, please consider making a donation to the World Cafe Community Foundation)

 (All email addresses and phone numbers on this website are encrypted for security, so you don’t have to be concerned about providing those details.)

    Contact Name (required)

    Contact Email Address (required)

    Name of Host/s:

    Name of Impact Café:

    Date of Impact Café (in October, 2015 please):

    Time of Impact Café (please include local time zone):

    Location / Address of Impact Café

    (Address, City or Town, State or Province, Country & any necessary directions):

    Is there anything you’d like to share (any special elements, “calling” question/s, etc.) about your Impact Café, as an invitation for others in your region to join you?

    Please attach photos of your hosts, and/or an invitation or other images for your Café, if you have them (file limit 1MG). If you have more, or larger, files, please contact us with details and we'll get back to you with further instructions


    How are you planning to harvest your Impact Café e.g. photography, video, graphic recording, etc.?


    Are there local media stations or others who would be interested in promoting and / or covering the story of your Impact Café and/or the larger celebrations, and if so, is there any specific support needed from us (please provide details)?

    Is there anything else to let us know, or other specific support needed for your Impact Café?
